How can I configure Windows 9x/Me for successful network inventory?

Solution: First, download the WMI core. Secondly, place the WMI application in the startup section, and enable DCOM connections:

  • In the registry, find the section HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\OLE and set the EnableDCOM value to “Y”, and EnableRemoteConnect to “Y” (it is “N” by default)
  • In the registry, find the section HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\wbem\cimom and set the AutostartWin9X value to “2”. Set EnableAnonConnections to “1”
  • Add a link to the Winmgmt.exe file into the Startup directory. The file is stored in the \Windows\System\WBEM folder


.updated: February 18, 2017 author: jeff